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Cybersecurity Awareness Month Toolkit

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Cyber Security Updates

Cybersecurity Awareness Month Toolkit

The work of an MSP is often taken for granted – until something goes wrong.  And then you are the first phone call that a client makes and it’s a hurry up and rush scenario.

At Breach Secure Now, our partner-focused mission is the foundation for all that we do.  Our founder Art Gross was (is) an MSP and knows the challenges that you face not only as a professional in the IT industry but as a business leader as well!  So, when there is an opportunity to ‘shine’, we want to make sure you take it and maximize the opportunity!

With October being Cybersecurity Awareness Month, there is no better time for a campaign that focuses on creating awareness.  And bonus! – We’ve created all the content and resources for your existing and future clients to make smart and safe cyber practices their priority.

We’ve put together a complete toolkit that contains:

  • 31 Days of Cybersecurity Tips – these customizable social media ads are ready for posting on your platforms
  • Webinar Toolkit –We’ve created a slide deck, social media ads, email templates for both inviting and follow up, and a downloadable infographic for all your attendees.  You will love it!
  • Weekly Blogs – Each week in October, we’ll provide a new blog to post on your website about Cybersecurity
  • Video Tips – CharTec’s Brandi Reed will provide tips on creating bite-sized videos out of your daily tips!

We know that you’re busy running your business, so we’ve put together an incredible toolkit that covers all the bases for you.  You’ll target existing and prospective clients in a variety of formats via the different platforms and channels that they use and engage in!  Leave no stone unturned, and no potential client unengaged.

Smart cybersecurity practices are no longer negotiable when it comes to business priorities.  And cybercriminals lurk around every corner when it comes to your clients and their business. Let’s get the word out there that you are the superhero they’ve been looking for!

Download the Cybersecurity Awareness Month Campaign here!

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