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IT Nation Week

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‘Tis the season for gathering with friends and family and this year feels especially special because of the limited human interaction we’ve had over the past year.  Or is it years now? It feels like years.   While Thanksgiving is just around the corner, the type of gathering we are referring to is IT Nation in Orlando this month.

If you are not familiar with this event, it is the annual ConnectWise convention held in Orlando Florida where IT professionals get together to taut their wares, discuss new technologies, and have a great time being social.  We’ll get to that social part in a minute, but first, let’s cover the basics.

As an MSP you’ve likely planned your trip already, but if you’re a first-timer, or have forgotten how to “conference”, we’ll expect it will go something like this.  You arrive in Orlando and settle in, swerving among the buzz in the hotel of the vendors getting set up.  Try to get a sneak peek at swag and booth setups, there’s a giddiness in the air, right?  You’ve looked at the schedule of events – there is a lot to take in, but you’ll figure it out around the one or two breakout sessions that you know that you don’t want to miss. You’ve got your backpack out, your alarm is set, comfortable shoes ready to go, and tonight you’ll get a good night’s sleep so that you’re ready to go tomorrow.

But wait.  Can we stop you for a minute?  Quick question: Do you have a plan?  Because while yes, a gathering is good, feeling like you’ve made the best use of that precious time is GREAT.

Plan Ahead

Before you walk onto the conference room floor, write down three things:

  1. What challenge are my client’s repeatedly dealing with?
  2. Am I addressing them affectively?
  3. What three products do I want to add to my offering?

Having an idea of what you need will make your time “shopping the floor” much more effective.  And it will give you questions to ask and get answered when you visit a booth.  If the vendor can’t answer them, then it might not be a good fit and you can move on to someone who might fit the bill better for your needs at this time.

We Can Help

Make sure you stop by Booth #516 to say “Hello” to our team! We know that a partnership is a relationship where both parties see value and success from working together.  No matter your relationship with Breach Secure Now, you’ll find something new and valuable to take home with you!

  • Current partner? Stop by and get a chance to meet with our CTO, Al Lowenstein and see our feature roadmap for the upcoming months! Or, schedule a consultation with Chris Gross, head of our Partner Engagement Consultant team and build out your implementation roadmap.
  • Not a partner but heard the “buzz” about BSN? Come take a seat on our couch and talk with our team about all the ways you can say “goodbye” to old-fashioned cybersecurity!

Let us show you how to get unstuck in the old-fashioned ways of looking at cybersecurity.  And speaking of old-fashioned, when you’re at our booth, be sure to enter the raffle for our cocktail smoking box so that you can raise a glass with the ‘other kind of old-fashioned’!  We’ll be raffling that beauty off on Thursday at 6 pm.

We’ll also be hosting a cybersecurity breakout session on Thursday, November 11th at 11:45 am with our CEO Art Gross, who will be discussing the ingredients that you need to transform your security stack in order to face today’s threat landscape. Add our session to your calendar so you don’t miss out – It’ll knock your socks off 😉.

We’re looking forward to seeing you all at IT Nation and we can’t wait to show you in person how we’ve evolved!  If you can’t block out some time to see us at Booth #516, then let’s rock the block at our MSP Community Block Party together on November 10th!  You can learn more and register here.

And while swag is fun, walking with a swagger is even better, and we know our solutions can save your day and put the pep in your step making you the MSP superhero you are!

The post IT Nation Week appeared first on Breach Secure Now!.